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Hello, hello, to start I want to tell you that intermittent fasting is not a diet, nor a fad, it is not magic! It is a lifestyle, it is a change of habits with multiple benefits for your body and health in general.

Let's see! What is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a style of eating that cycles between periods of eating and fasting. It's not about what we should eat, but rather when we should eat it, but choosing what we eat wisely will be very helpful.

Most of us already “fast” every day, while we sleep. Intermittent fasting can be as simple as extending that period a little longer.

There are several methods, 14/10, 16/8 or 18/6, in which you eat in a 10, 8 or 6 hour window and fast the rest. This is achieved by simply extending the time of breakfast, in this way we take advantage of the hours that we fast while we sleep. For example, if your last meal of the day is at 8pm instead of having breakfast when you wake up, you extend breakfast until 10am, 12pm, or 2pm depending on the time you want to do it.

At this point you may be wondering, why all this sacrifice? Let's look at some of the benefits you can get:

  • You improve your energy and vitality

  • You improve your lucidity and concentration

  • Improves immune function

  • You improve inflammation, pain and diseases.

  • You lose weight and fat without affecting your muscles.

  • You improve your mood… you might even smile more!

  • You delay the signs of aging signs of premature aging

  • You feel more connected to your body and mind.

  • You limit the growth of cancer cells.

  • You level your cholesterol, triglycerides and insulin.

  • You save time and money

  • You live well-being at its best.

  • Increased autophagy, which is a natural regeneration mechanism that occurs at the cellular level, the body's cells degrade and recycle their own components to provide the body with energy.

At the end of the day, fasting basically allows the body to use excess stored fat. Body fat is energy that has been stored, so as long as you don't eat, your body will use that fat for energy. But be careful! This doesn't mean that just by fasting you will be losing fat, the most important thing is that there is always a calorie deficit.

When you eat, you take in more energy than you can use immediately. Some of this energy must be stored for later use. Insulin is the key hormone involved in storage, and it rises when we eat, helping to store excess energy. However, there is limited storage space, and once it is full, the liver begins to convert excess glucose into fat. Some of this newly created fat is stored in the liver, but most of it is exported to other fat deposits in the body, such as those so-called saddlebags and those little fatties and love handles that one of my friends says she doesn't know what to do with anymore.

When we fast, the process is reversed, insulin levels are reduced, giving the body the signal that it is time to use what is stored and that is where you begin to see visible changes in your body.

But as I was saying, fat loss doesn't happen by magic. You're going to lose fat just by being in a deficit.

If you are interested in learning how to fast, getting into a healthy, conscious lifestyle, without diets that are not sustainable over time, changing bad habits for healthy habits, I am here to help you in a healthy, conscious, structured and fun way.

A hug!


INN Health Coach




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